Business Litigation Attorney — Boston, MA and Providence, RI
We are always interested in hearing from talented litigation attorneys seeking to practice in Boston, MA or Providence, RI.
Ideal candidates will be self-starters and team players with experience representing clients in federal and state courts and before government agencies.
Responsibilities include:
- Providing legal counsel to businesses, financial institutions, commercial lenders and mortgage companies or other entities engaged in commerce.
- Counseling creditors and banks on all manner of legal issues dealing with business law in general.
- Assisting in securing collateral and collection of outstanding liabilities.
- Representing business clients in federal and state courts and before government agencies, when necessary.
Essential Experience & Skills
- Ideal candidates will have:
- Minimum of four years of business law or similar experience.
- Experience before state and federal courts, and government agencies.
- Demonstrated case/client service experience.
- Outstanding research and writing skills, including experience researching and drafting motions, briefs and position statements.
- Excellent communication skills.
- Proactive, level-headed, and able to think practically and strategically.
- Strong academic credentials.
- A Juris Doctorate from an accredited law school.
- Massachusetts Bar admission in good standing (admission in other states a plus).
Compensation will be commensurate with experience. Please submit letters and resumes, in confidence, to Cohn & Dussi, LLC is an equal opportunity employer.
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Cohn & Dussi, LLC’s professional practice reflects our commitment to:
- Provide attorneys with challenging, sophisticated, and meaningful work.
- Support and encourage attorneys and staff to show initiative in pursuing and developing new business.
- Work together to achieve common goals, learn from and help one another, and build relationships based on trust and respect.
- Foster an environment where attorneys and staff achieve a high level of professional success and satisfaction and also are able to enjoy their lives outside the firm.
- Encourage professional growth and development for attorneys and staff.
- Enjoy a strong sense of camaraderie and teamwork.
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[av_toggle title='Compensation Benefits' tags='' custom_id='' av_uid='av-la2wbc80' sc_version='1.0']
Cohn & Dussi, LLC offers competitive salaries and exceptional health, dental, retirement, and short term disability benefits.
We offer Blue Cross Blue Shield, as well as life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, and short-term disability insurance. We offer paid vacation, paid holidays, and a 401(k) plan.
The firm also pays for attorneys’ membership dues for appropriate bar associations and provides a budget for attorneys’ use in attending appropriate CLE programs.
[av_toggle title='Professional Development' tags='' custom_id='' av_uid='av-la2wbrk6' sc_version='1.0']
Cohn & Dussi, LLC is committed to the professional development and success of each one of the firm’s attorneys and staff members.
The firm honors its commitment to continued excellence and professional development and teamwork by encouraging all employees to participate in professional development programs, enabling them to exchange ideas and to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Our lawyers also have the opportunity to attend and participate in educational conferences sponsored by bar and other trade associations across the country.
[av_toggle title='Harassment Policy' tags='' custom_id='' av_uid='av-la2wbrk6-4' sc_version='1.0']
Cohn & Dussi, LLC is committed to providing a work environment that is free of illegal discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment and harassment on the basis of race, color, age, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status, veteran status, genetic information, or any other protected status under applicable state or federal law.
Harassment by anyone, whether at the work site, in the course of work assignments off-site, at firm-sponsored social functions or elsewhere, or retaliation against anyone who complains about discrimination or harassment, will not be tolerated.
[av_toggle title='EEO Policy' tags='' custom_id='' av_uid='av-la2wbrk6-3' sc_version='1.0']
Cohn & Dussi, LLC maintains a policy of nondiscrimination with employees and applicants for employment. No aspect of employment with the firm will be influenced in any manner by race, color, age, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status, veteran status, genetic information, or any other protected status under applicable state or federal law.